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Re: Firewater

On Tue, 10 Aug 1999, robert wiener <wiener (at) mindspring(dot)com> wrote:

>Firewater's album "The Ponzi Scheme" has a track, "I Still Love You
>Judas."  What's that about?

I don't know it or them, Bob, but if it's the title that intrigues you... 
British folksinger-songwriter (and Yid) Leon Rosselson has an excellent,
hard-hitting song called "Stand Up for Judas" that the Pogues (I think)
and Dick Gaughan and others have also covered. Here's the first verse and

  The Romans were the masters when Jesus walked the land;
  In Judaea and in Galilee they ruled with an iron hand,
  And the poor were sick with hunger,
  And the rich were clothed in splendor,
  And the rebels whipped and crucified, hung rotting as a warning.

  And Jesus knew the answer:
  "Give unto Caesar what is Caesar's."
  Said, "Love your enemies."

  But Judas was a Zealot, and he wanted to be free
  "Resist," he said, "the Roman tyranny!"

  Stand up, stand up for Judas, and the cause that Judas served;
  It was Jesus who betrayed the poor with his word.

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