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Re: Firewater/ Rosselson

While I don't know for sure about "I Still Love You Judas," my guess is that 
it's about the reconciliation of Jesus and Judas through nineties cynicism.  
The song ends "But It's Alright Now / Because I Really Don't Care Anymore."  
Maybe time heals all wounds.

Regarding Firewater generally, they are an excellent band - both on CD and 
live.  I think of them as Alternative Rock meets Ethno Cabaret.  Jewlia 
Eisenberg of Charming Hostess referred to her music as "serious rock and 
roll," what used to be known as art rock.  This would also cover Firewater.

One element of Firewater's music is definitely a Klezmer sound.  This is 
particularly clear on the songs "The Drunken Jew" and "Snake Eyes and 
Boxcars" from their first CD "Get Off the Cross...We Need the Wood for the 
Fire."  The also mix in Russian, Latin, Gypsy, even classical and jazz - and 
feature bass, guitar, bazouki, electric guitar, sax, clarinet, accordion, 
piano, drums, violin, cello, various horns, and drums.  

The key to the music is the diversity of sound and a clear love of language.  
(So, maybe they are Jews.)  Example:  the Judas song includes the lines "I 
Still Love You Judas /As I Walk Along This Lonesome Road / Like a 
Somnambulist on a Wire."    

RE:  Rosselson, many years ago I caught an amazing three hour radio show on 
his music broadcast on WBRS from Brandeis.  One cut was a fifteen minute 
impressionist story of a visit to the Sinai.  By the end I was utterly lost, 
transported into the music and into the desert.  I have never been able to 
find a recording of this song.  Has anyone?  When I've looked, most store 
owners have tried to sell me Leon Russell.  Not quite the same.  Also, does 
anyone know more about Rosselson's background?


---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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