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LeZklez, A Cholem


If anyone can tell me how to get a copy of this album, or get in touch with 
the group, I would be grateful.

It was evidently issued in Bern, in 1997.



Album: LeZklez                                                            A 
YAlbum: ?? ????
AlbumID: CD Privately Issued
Catalog: L-046(a)
---- Selections
Title: Rakhel (Ladino)
Catalog: L-046(a)
Artist_1: Alvarez, Denise & LeZklez
YTitle: ??? (????????)
Keywords: Klezmer Modern Ladino Sephardic
Title: Zing Shtil
Catalog: L-046(a)
Author: Younin, Wolf (1908-1984)
Composer: Secunda, Sholom (1894-1974)
Artist_1: Alverez, Denise
FirstLine: S'hot mir mayn tate fun kindvayz gezogt, gut iz tsu...
YTitle: ???? ????
YAuthor: ?????, ????? (1908-1984)
YComposer: ????????, ???? (1894-1974)
YFirstLine: ?'???? ??? ???? ????? ???? ???????? ???????, ??? ??? ?? ????????...
Origin: ML PYS 182
Transliteration: BOI SHB 5
Music: ML PYS 182
Keywords: Melody Lit Origin Acapella
Title: Gasn Nigun (Instr, LeZklez)
Catalog: L-046(a)
Artist_1: LeZklez
YTitle: ????? ????? (??????)
Comment: with Der Badkhen Freylekh
Keywords: Klezmer Doyne Instr
Title: Kartofl-Zup Mit Shvamen
Catalog: L-046(a)
Author: Gebirtig, Mordkhe (1877-1942)
Composer: Gebirtig, Mordkhe (1877-1942)
Artist_1: Alverez, Denise & LeZklez
FirstLine: Vos hobn mir tsu mitog haynt? -- fregt Yosele der mamen,
YTitle: ?????????? ???? ??? ???????
YAuthor: ????????, ????? (1877-1942)
YComposer: ????????, ????? (1877-1942)
YFirstLine: ???? ????? ??? ?? ?????? ????? ? -- ?????? ??????? ??? ??????, --
Origin: Gebirtig 76
Transliteration: Album G-022(a)
Translation: Album G-022(a)
Music: Gebirtig 76
Keywords: Food Family Poverty Mother
Title: Shnirele Perele
Catalog: L-046(a)
Artist_1: Alverez, Denise & LeZklez
FirstLine: Shnirele perele, gildene fon, moshiekh ben dovid, er zitst..
YTitle: ??????? ???????
YFirstLine: ??????? ???????, ??????? ?????, ???? ??? ???, ?? ???? ???? ???,
Comment: Reorded under 'Moschiach"
Origin: Album M-034(d)
Transliteration: Album M-051(b)
Translation: Album M-051(b)
Music: Album M-034(d)
Keywords: Khasidic Klezmer Moshiekh Modern
Title: Gelt (Recititve, Nigun)
Catalog: L-046(a)
Artist_1: Alverez, Denise & LeZklez
FirstLine: Az nisht keyn _______tsuzamen mitn gelt, vozhe toyg di...
YTitle: ???? (?????????, ?????)
CrossReference: ,???? ?????? ?? ??? ?????? ,???? ???? ????????_____??? ???? ???
Comment: Morality tale, khasidic?? modern
Keywords: Klezmer Modern Money Faith
Title: Der Badkhn Freylekh (Instr)
Catalog: L-046(a)
Artist_1: LeZklez
YTitle: ??? ????? ??????? (??????)
Comment: with Gasn Nigun
Keywords: Klezmer Modern Freylekh
Title: Freylekh (Instr, LeZklez)
Catalog: L-046(a)
Artist_1: LeZklez
YTitle: ??????? (??????, ???????)
Keywords: Klezmer Instr Freylekh
Title: Oy Avram
Catalog: L-046(a)
Artist_1: Alverez, Denise & LeZklez
FirstLine: Oy Avram, Ikh ken on dir nit zayn! Ikh on dir un du on mir..
YTitle: ?? ???????
Comment: Recorded under "Avraham"
Origin: Vinkov 1 19
Transliteration: Album J-011(a)
Translation: Vinkov 1 19
Music: Vinkov 1 19
Keywords: Love Humorous Klezmer Modern
Title: Kandels Hora (Instr)
Catalog: L-046(a)
Composer: Kandel, Harry
Artist_1: LeZklez
YTitle: ???????? ?????? (??????)
Keywords: Klezmer Instr Hora
Title: Borsht
Catalog: L-046(a)
Artist_1: Alvarez, Denise & LeZklez
FirstLine: Ikh hob nokh aza borsht nit gegesn, un ikh nukh aza tom...
YTitle: ??????
YFirstLine: ??? ???? ???? ????? ?????? ??? ??????, ??? ??? ???? ???? ????? 
Origin: Album R-034(c)
Transliteration: Album C-035(e)
Translation: Album R-034(c)
Keywords: Klezmer Food Borsht Love
Title: Di Sapozhkelekh
Catalog: L-046(a)
Artist_1: Alverez, Denise & LeZklez
FirstLine: Farkoyfn di sapozhkelekh un forn oyf di droshkelekh,
YTitle: ?? ??????????????
Comment: Recorded under "Saposchkelech"
Origin: Album K-051(b)
Transliteration: Album K-051(b)
Translation: Album K-029(f)
Keywords: Love Klezmer Doyne
Title: Ikh Hob Dikh Tsu Fil Lib
Catalog: L-046(a)
Author: Tauber, Khiam (1901-1972)
Composer: Olshanetsky, Alexander (1892-1946)
Artist_1: Alverez, Denise & LeZklez
FirstLine: Kh'bin atsind aleyn geblibn, mit mayn benkshaft, mit mayn...
YTitle: ??? ???? ??? ?? ???? ???
YAuthor: ?????, ???? ????? (????)
YComposer: ???????????, ???????????? (1892-1946)
YFirstLine: ?'??? ?????? ????? ???????, ??? ???? ??????????, ??? ???? ??.
Comment: From the play "Katerinshik" - 1934
Transliteration: Album K-007(b)
Translation: Album K-022(b)
Keywords: Love Theatre Lament Tango
Title: Jaffo (Instr, LeZklez)
Catalog: L-046(a)
Artist_1: LeZklez
Keywords: Klezmer Modern Jazz ??
Title: A Heymisher Sher (Instr)
Catalog: L-046(a)
Composer: Tarras, Dave (1894-1989)
Artist_1: LeZklez
YTitle: ?? ??????? ??? (??????)
YComposer: ???????, ??? (1894-1989)
Comment: Recorded under Heymischer Sher
Keywords: Klezmer Instr Sher Modern
Title: Vu Bistu Geven ? (Prohibition...)
Catalog: L-046(a)
Composer: Brandwine, Naftule (1889-1963)
Artist_1: LeZklez
YTitle: ??? ????? ????? ? (?????????????...)
YComposer: ??????????, ??????? (1889-1963)
Keywords: Instr Klezmer Freylekhs

Joel Bresler
250 E. Emerson Rd.
Lexington, MA 02420 USA

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