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Sephardic 78 r.p.m. discography


I have completed a draft discography of Sephardic music on 78 r.p.m. 
recordings. The scope is worldwide. I have entries from the following 
European labels: Columbia Records (Turkey), Gramophone, Pathé, Polyphon, 
Odeon, Orfeon and Zonophone.

European artists include Jacob Algava, Isaac Algazi (also listed as Isaac 
Salamon Efendi and Isaac Efendi), Albert Beressi, Çakum Effendi, Isaac 
Capoua, Elie Cohen, Haim Effendi, Isac Haïm, Mlle. Mariette, Ovanes 
Effendi, Albert Pessah, Isachino Pessah, Mme. Rosa and Salamon Effendi.

The North American labels represented are Angel Record Co., Columbia 
Records (US), Comix, Electro-Vox, Mayesh Phonograph Records, Mere 
Metropolitan, Odeon (US), and Palomba Record and Talking Machine Co.

North American artists: Isaac Angel, David Cicourel, Victoria Hazan, Jack 
Mayesh, The Stamboul Quartette and Menachem Tsarfati.

At this point I need expert review of the discography for completeness and 
accuracy. I would like to target my correspondence to readers who may be 
able to provide additional listings, or information on the artists and 
their labels - both obscure ones, and the Ottoman recording activities of 
majors like Odeon and Gramophone. Please hold off for now if you are just 
generally interested; when the work is complete I promise to post it on a 
WWW site where it will be a click away.

Kindly send me a private email for a review copy in MS Word format.


Joel Bresler

Joel Bresler
250 E. Emerson Rd.
Lexington, MA 02420 USA

Home:           781-862-2432
Home Office:    781-862-4104
FAX:            781-862-0498
Cell:           781-622-0309
Email:          jbresler (at) ma(dot)ultranet(dot)com

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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