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Pre-WWII Jewish Choral Societies in Eastern Europe


I am forwarding this message for a Boston-based film producer. Kindly do
NOT respond to me but rather to the producer Joan Kaufman directly:
<jdkaufman (at) aol(dot)com>. And do copy the list if your reply is of general 




The Zamir Chorale of Boston is embarking on an historic concert tour to
Eastern Europe in celebration of the hundredth anniversary of the founding
of the first Jewish choral society of Lodz, Poland. The trip will be the
subject of a documentary film, "Zamir: The Songs Live On," that will air on
public television. 

In addition to chronicling this upcoming trip, the film will celebrate the
rich history of the Jewish choral societies of Eastern Europe, and provide
an illuminating look back at aspects of Jewish cultural life before World
War II. The producer, Spy Pond Productions, is searching for anyone who
sang with the Ha-Zamir, Zamir, Shir, or Shneur choral societies of Poland,
Prague, or Vienna, members of their families, or anyone who has any
information about this vitally important link to pre-War Eastern European
Jewish life. 

They are especially interested in the Zamir movement in Lodz, Warsaw,
Cracow, and Prague. Specifically, they are looking for information and
possible interview subjects, family reminiscences, photos, archival film
footage, and old recordings that will help bring this period to life. They
would like to locate any descendants of Joseph Rumshinsky, Leo Low, Moshe
Shneur, and Isaac Sachs. They are also seeking information about the
Grunwald brothers, a family of 12 brothers who sang in the Ha-Zamir choir
in Lodz. You can provide information by contacting Joan Kaufman at Spy Pond
Productions as follows: 

Telephone: +(1) 617-527-1974 
Fax: +(1) 617-527-3081  
Email: <jdkaufman (at) aol(dot)com> 

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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