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New Ladino "Musical Comedy" CD

I just received one of the most unusual recordings I've ever seen ; 
"Sefaradis de Dor end Dor" A Musical Comedy in Ladino.

(from the liner notes)   ...songs and instrumental passages from the musical 
comedy "Sefaradis de Dor  en Dor", through which we are told the true story 
of a Jewish Sefardic family ...Spanning  three generations..."

The time span of the story begins in Ismir in 1906, to a Kibbutz in Israel in 
The booklet Is written in Ladino, Hebrew and English, however the songs are 
NOT  translated into English. The score consists of traditional and NEW 
Ladino songs.
The all-star cast includes such "Ladino" stars as Lulik, Yehoram Gaon, Betty 
Kline, and many more.

I have to get off now, I think Joel will be calling!


---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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