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Re: San Francisco

In a message dated 7/29/99 5:04:14 AM, wiener (at) mindspring(dot)com writes:

<< We're off to San Francisco for just a few days at the end of August.
Do any of you have suggestions as to Jewish Music sounds to hear
(e.g., Cantor Roslyn Barak at Temple Emanu-El, although she'll
probably be on vacation), sites to visit (such as record stores with
Jewish Music, especially with LPs), or sights to see?

Go to Berkeley and visit "Afikomen" a Judaica shop that carries a lot of our 
music. They also have a great selection of books and art work . They have 
recently set up a section for recordings by local artists. Among the regulars 
at Afikomen you'll find Fran Avni, and Judy Frankel.  
They can also tell you about any events in the area since they have been 
involved and c0-sponsored numers concerts and book readings.
              3042 Claremont
              Berkeley ,Ca
              tel # 501)655-1977

And to top it off, they're a great bunch of people.

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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