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RE: Basia Frydman (was: Yiddish Tango, Jews in tango)

The Basia Frydman CD is called "Farbotene Lider ojf Jiddish" and I think that 
Simon carries it. (Don't you Simon?) It contains ghetto songs, protest songs, 
and standards like Shejn vi di Levone in Yiddish, English, and Swedish. (Don't 
blame me for the transliteration, I got it from the CD. It's not European 
standard transliteration either.)
Ingemar Johansson <hebanon (at) swipnet(dot)se> wrote:
Re: Yiddish Tango, Jews in tango

>I think "Friling", the wondeful tango-inspired song from the Vilna ghetto 
>be named here, text by poet-partisan Shmerke Kaczerginski  (music by Abraham
>Brudno). The song was some years ago translated by Swedish Academy Member and
>outstanding poet Lars Forsell into Swedish and recorded by Basia Frydman, a
>well-known Swedish actress (at The Jewish Theatre of Stockholm), a child of
>Yiddish-speaking Polish Jews.

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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