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Re: Comparing Incomparables (and some Tango)

I would like to add to what Hankus has said, that even in Argentina
itself, the home of the tango, Jews were much involved in all aspects of
the music. Those interested should check out the book by Julio Nudler,
_Tango Judio: del ghetto a la milonga_.
Itzik-Leyb Volokh (jeffrey Wollock)

On Fri, 23 Jul 1999 09:50:14 EDT, Hankus Netsky wrote:

I don't know about Jewish origins of tango, but I do hope people become aware
of the wonderful tangoes that led the hit parade in Poland in the 1920s by
Jewish composers such as Petersburgski and Gold.  The best recordings are
perhaps by Miescieslaw Fogg (orig. Fogel).  This is of course not to mention
our many wonderful Yiddish tangoes that followed.  --Hankus

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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