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Re: schmaltz, pandering and Klezmatics

Bert Stratton said:

>       The crux:  should bands use the elitist jazz model, or go schmaltz -- 
> sell
>out! pander! juggle! whatever.  I think there's a valid  middle
>ground.(Klez Conservatory Band and Perlman's well-paced klez-smorgasbord
>come to mind.)

    Can't stand Perlman- especially the live album. Yeah, I know that on
one level it's very, very good stuff, but it just doesn't boot me in the
butt the way, say, 'Jews With Horns' does.  Now personally, I'm a big fan
of experimentation and pushing the envelope- maybe a band doesn't have to
lower its level if they can  get the audience to raise theirs- maybe that
particular movement (progressive klez) is so new that it hasn't yet had the
exposure to build an audience. Or more likely, it will end up like
experimental jazz, developing its own smaller (but quite devoted) audience. 

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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