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Re: schmaltz, pandering and Klezmatics

Lori Cahan-Simon wrote:
> In addition to all the pre-concert nothing, there was post-concert nothing.
>  I looked in the Cleveland Plain Dealer, our big paper, and have found no
> review of the Klezmatics concert, but today there was a big writeup of the
> Chieftans concert of last night.  What's going on here?  I'm hoping that at
> least, the Jewish News will have something on Friday.  Sara, Bert, anyone
> else, do you have a clue?
> Lori

Well, I'd say it could have something to do with the fact that the PD is
a poor imitation of a newspaper, particularly low (IMNSHO) on items of
Jewish interest... makes my old hometown paper (Boston Globe) look like
the NY Times in comparison.

My $.02 on the concert... I'm one of the younger attendees of the show,
and I absolutely loved it, as did everybody I was with.  Everybody in my
crowd was between 25 and 50, I believe, and there were over 20 of us
front-center on the lawn, who had a great time!  Of course, we were all
familiar with the Klezmatics already, and none of us were terribly
disappointed that we didn't get to hear "Rumania Rumania" and "Ba Mir
Bistu Shen" again.  (No offense to Bert and all the others who have
recorded those particular songs...)  As for getting the kids to learn to
appreciate the music... my 11-month old daughter was way into the whole
thing, dancing up a storm (with my help).  We just have to start 'em

I was kind of hoping that they'd do more from "The Well," which has been
my favorite album of the year.  I understand that they only did the
numbers that they sing on the album, but it would have been fun to hear
an alternative version of, for example, "Di Krenitse."  Or maybe an
unannounced walk-on by Chava... oy, wake up, Larry...

PS Sara - have you left Ohio yet or may I still see you walking into
Merkaz one of these days?


Larry Solomon   shlomo (at) apk(dot)net 
Proprietor, Merkaz Judaica

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least until Microsoft can figure out a way to include it with every
polio vaccine or fuse it directly to the human spine."
 - The Daily Show

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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