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liturgy and industrial/gothic

No.  This is not a post about industrial/gothic liturgy.

I see a number of learning tapes for Jewish liturgy in Tara's current
catalog.  Does anyone have any comments on them?

Shabbat Service by Pinchas Spiro (Book & Cassette)(p. B-22)
How to Lead Synagogue Services (Book and 6 Cassettes)(p. B-22)

We met last night to begin our havurah music project.  Two 2 of the 4
people who were to share their responses weren't able to come, so
we'll probably meet at least one more time.  We have about 5 possible
selections so far.

Some observations for those who are considering such a project.

1. Different approaches would be appropriate depending on the
experience of Havurah members and leaders.  A beginning Havurah might
find the Saul Wachs tapes much more helpful for learning to lead.  The
person who listened to them (for P'sukei d'zimrah) dubbed them Camp
Ramah tunes.

2. The listeners should develop the ability to hear through the
recording to what the tunes would sound like when done by the Havurah.
This proved not to be so easy, even for trained musicians. The voice
or style of the singer may not be appealing to the listener, yet the
materail might be appropriate.  Our listener to the Isaac Behar
"Sephardic Sabbath Chants" tape found it difficult to get past his
performance/style.  On the other hand, don't expect to be able to
duplicate the arrangements of the BJ CD.

3. Many "Sabbath" recordings are of only z'miroth or for Friday

The list made many helpful suggestions, but it should be known that,
unfortunately, the items below fall in those categories.

Lopes Cardozo, Abraham:
Sephardic Songs of Praise
Sephardic Songs of Praise, Vol. 2

Parchi, Chaim:
Likrat Shabbat, Vol. 1
Songs for Friday Night, Vol. 2
Songs for Sabbath Day, Vol. 3

I also came across mention of the following CD which includes a
selection "Shalom".  Any comments?
Voltaire: Devil?s bris
Projeckt 1998-06-09


(Please feel free to break up the subject line in your response.)

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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