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Re: High Holy Day learner recordings?

Sorry, but I don't get over to the campus Hillel very often and don't know
their resources, (as I live nearby and have my own shul to go to.) 

But here's the Brandeis Hillel campus URL if you want to contact them:

>>Does anyone know of tapes, sung in non-professional keys (i.e. folk voices,
>>not operatic), which provide the most popular melodies?

As far as tapes in the Reform movement for learning High Holy Days:
Rabbi Levy is probably aware that the Reform movement has many tapes to
accompany their siddurim as well as learning Torah cantillation:

Rabbi Levy can turn to the Commission on Synagogue Music for help. There's
information on help for small congregations and help on training people to
be synagogue musicians. There is a lot of help available:

Here's the URL for learning Torah cantillation, under the auspices of the
UAHC, the lay arm of Reform:

There is a lot of support from the cantorial schools. Also, song leaders,
in general have a lot of support:
Here's the Reform Songleaders page:

Many Reform cantors have published CD's and tapes.
Tara Music carries a wide variety of Reform tapes and records.
I've put here the URL for Tara, search for Kol B'Seder with Jeff Klepper,
for example:  OR

Sounds Write covers the popular Reform liturgical music, such as Debbie

I also suggest contacting someone at the School of Sacred Music in NY.
Here's their URL:

Well, that should give a good start. Take care.

At 12:24 PM 7/6/99 -0400, you wrote:
>I think Brandeis Hillel may have just this. Judy, are you listening in?
>At 11:13 AM 7/6/99 -0400, you wrote:
>>As a rabbi working for the Reform Movement promoting Reform Jewish life on
>>campus, I need to provide student groups with resources to build their
>>minyanim.  This year, for High Holy Days, we need tapes to help students
>>lead services.  Most campuses use the Reform Movement's Gates of Repentance
>>or Rabbi Richard Levy's On Wings of Awe.
>>Does anyone know of tapes, sung in non-professional keys (i.e. folk voices,
>>not operatic), which provide the most popular melodies?
>>Our students need to learn only those melodies which are typically used in
>>Reform High Holiday services.  Moreover, while I have suggested albums with
>>melodies arranged for choral groups, my students have had great difficulty
>>with them.  I have even made my own tape for them, but my voice is not what
>>it should be!
>>Can anyone help?
>>Rabbi Jonathan Klein
>>Director, KESHER (UAHC College Education Department)
>Joel Bresler
>250 E. Emerson Rd.
>Lexington, MA 02420 USA
>Home:           781-862-2432
>Home Office:    781-862-4104
>FAX:            781-862-0498
>Cell:           781-622-0309
>Email:          jbresler (at) ma(dot)ultranet(dot)com

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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