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High Holy Day learner recordings?

As a rabbi working for the Reform Movement promoting Reform Jewish life on
campus, I need to provide student groups with resources to build their
minyanim.  This year, for High Holy Days, we need tapes to help students
lead services.  Most campuses use the Reform Movement's Gates of Repentance
or Rabbi Richard Levy's On Wings of Awe.  

Does anyone know of tapes, sung in non-professional keys (i.e. folk voices,
not operatic), which provide the most popular melodies? 

Our students need to learn only those melodies which are typically used in
Reform High Holiday services.  Moreover, while I have suggested albums with
melodies arranged for choral groups, my students have had great difficulty
with them.  I have even made my own tape for them, but my voice is not what
it should be!

Can anyone help?

Rabbi Jonathan Klein
Director, KESHER (UAHC College Education Department)

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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