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Tex Konig

-----Original Message-----
From: Kame'a Media [mailto:media (at) kamea(dot)com]
Sent: Tuesday, July 06, 1999 11:48 AM
To: rogovoy (at) berkshire(dot)net
Subject: Re: list JEWISH-MUSIC: List Message Rejected

To The List:
My  postings to JML are bouncing back for some reason:  I have asked Seth to
post it
for me.

> On Saturday morning, my friend, folksinger and actor Tex Konig passed away
in Toronto.
> Raised in Brooklyn, NY, Tex began playing in Greenwich Village coffehouses
in the early
> 'Sixties (possibly before)
>  and was one of the first to introduce a young Bob Dylan to hoot-night
>  audiences.
>  Based in Toronto since the 'Seventies, Tex was a familiar figure on the
>  city's folk scene.  He appeared in many films, television programs, the
> theatre and, had for many years a special city permit to perform  his
>  music in the subway. (Those Canadians!)
>  Tex loved all the variations of the English language and his repertoire
>  included sea chanties, cowboy songs and miner's laments.  In recent
years, he began adding
> Yiddish material to his performances, including  the song of Jewish
Czarist conscription,
> "Yosl Ber".
>  He recorded the  album,  "Konigsblende" c. 1990.
>  He was a talented photogrpher and could always be counted on to know the
>  very best Chinese restaurants.
>  Tex's great physical stature was matched by the  generosity of  his
>  spirit and the gentleness of his nature. He will be greatly missed. Now I
will never know
> his real first name.

>  A memorial service is being planned for the 25th (in Toronto).
> <Borukh dayan emet>
>  Wolf Krakowski

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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