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A WEEK IN YIDDISH-LAND - Yidish-vokh 1999!



Then come participate in the 24th annual YIDISH-VOKH ? a week-long, 
all-Yiddish retreat.  At the Yidish-vokh, we strive to speak only Yiddish.  
You don't need to be able to read or write Yiddish.  You don't even need to 
be a fluent Yiddish speaker.  This is an all-too-rare real-life 
Yiddish-immersion situation, where you can eat, drink, laugh, joke, twist and 
shout, all in Yiddish!

YUGNTRUF - YOUTH FOR YIDDISH will be holding its popular annual Yidish-vokh 
on WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 25, THROUGH TUESDAY, AUGUST 31, 1999, at the Berkshire 
Hills Emanuel Vacation Center in Copake, New York.  Most participants come 
for the full week for as low as $240 ? including housing, food, programs, 
gratuities and ground transportation from New York City ? to a top price of 
$400, for those who want a single room, private bath.  There are special 
discounts: student work-study and children, each $150 for the week.   But if 
you can only get away for part of the week, we also offer convenient daily 
rates ($60 a day). 

Yugntruf's goal is to provide the younger generation with opportunities to be 
immersed in Yiddish.  The majority of participants in the yidish-vokh are 
students, singles and couples, parents who speak Yiddish with their children, 
and the Yiddish-speaking children themselves.  But many seniors also come ? 
seniors who also wish that they had more people to speak Yiddish with ? 
making for a wonderful intergenerational mix!  Some 150 Yiddish-lovers are 
attracted from countries as far away as Uruguay, Belgium, France, Russia, 
Australia and Japan and from all over the United States and Canada.  There is 
no other Yiddish retreat like it!

There's a swimming pool and a beautiful lake with a breathtaking view.  
Basketball, volleyball and softball are all played in Yiddish;  folk-dancing 
and yoga ? you guessed it ? in Yiddish!  Lectures on contemporary topics, 
discussion groups and literary readings are available, as well as daily 
Yiddish classes for the advanced beginner.  Evening activities include 
campfire singing, a talent show for all ages, a klezmer concert, games and 
films.  There are also organized programs for children in Yiddish.

The food will be kosher, with vegetarian options.  On shabes, services will 
be available, including a dvar-toyre  in Yiddish.     
We at the yidish-vokh have formed a real community, in which our members give 
the lectures, lead discussions and workshops.  Yiddish professors, activists, 
writers and musicians share their knowledge, talent and love of mame-loshn.  
Many at the yidish-vokh have made lifelong friends;  some have married each 
other and now return every summer!

If you are inspired to make Yiddish a part of your life and have a working 
knowledge of the language, this is the vacation for you!! 
? ? ? ? ?
REGISTRATION DEADLINE ? We ask that you send your paid registration (in US 
dollars) by July 6.  
LATE  FEE after July 6:  $25/person.  
CANCELLATION  FEE:  until August 4 - $35;  after August 4 - half the 
registration fee.
Need more information?  Call (212)787-6675 or (212)989-0212, or E-mail us at: 
 yvokh (at) yugntruf(dot)org


* 1999 YIDISH-VOKH *

Name______________________________  Yiddish name_____________________
Family:  Please list names of all participating family members, as well as 
children's ages:
Phone (day):    ____________________    (eve/wkend): _____________________
E-mail: ________________________________    Fax: _____________________

O       Free chartered bus ? leaves from the Workmen's Circle, 45 East 33 
Street (NYC) Wednesday, August 25, 9 AM, and returns Tuesday afternoon, 
August 31.
O       Car ? If you are willing to car-pool, please let us know.
O       Other ? Call for information if transportation from another location 
is required.

If you can lead a discussion, another activity, or speak on a certain topic 
(in Yiddish), please specify: 

WEEKLY RATES (includes housing, meals, programs, gratuities, transportation 
to and from NYC):
O       Single, private bath: $400   
O       Single, shared bath: $290
O       Double, private bath (1 bath/2 people): $290/person
O       Double, shared bath (1 bath adjoining 2 rooms): $240/person
O       Student work-study discount: $150
O       Children, ages 4 to 12 (double, shared bath only): $150
O       Additional child age 4-12 (on cot), in double with 2 relatives: $125
O       Child under 4: free
O       Daily rate (double, shared bath): $60/day.  Call for rates for 
private rooms.
        How many days, and which? 

O       I/We will be on the VEGETARIAN meal plan.

MEMBERSHIP:     O       Students: $10           O       USA: $18/adult   
        O       Mexico/Canada: $20/adult        O       Outside North 
America: $22/adult

$__________     Registration Fee
$__________     Late fee (if registering after July 6): $25/person        
$__________     Yiddish class, for advanced beginners: $50/person (optional)
$ __________    Membership (if not yet paid in 1999)
$__________     TOTAL

Send your reservation form and check (in US DOLLARS, payable to Yugntruf)  
Yugntruf, 200 West 72 Street, Suite 40, New York, NY 10023-2824, USA.

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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