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Re: Salim Halali and/ or Dudu Yasmin

In a message dated 5/30/99 7:10:58 AM, zelwel (at) earthlink(dot)net writes:

<< What can anybody tell me about either Salim Halali or Dudu Yasmin besides
the fact that both these guys can cook (in very different styles)? I'd be
in >>

Salim Halali was born in 1920 in Algeria. In 1937 he went to Paris for the 
Iternational exhition where he started his carrer as a Spanish singer. There 
he met noted Oriental singer Mahieddin-who launched Halali's career as an 
"Oriental" singer. He became very famouse in all the Arab speaking countries, 
and it was overlooked that he was  Jewish (though the abridged bio I read of 
his never mentions that fact that he was a Jew). He regularly performed  
before Arab Kings and Ambassadors.

In 1940 he was saved from the German concentration camps thanks to the rector 
of the Paris Mosque, who gave Salali documents that stated that his father 
had converted to Islam. He hten had Salim's father's name engraved on an 
abandoned tombstone in the Bodigny Moslem cemetery.


---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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