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Rabbi Haim Louk

I just came across this film which is distributed by the National Center for 
Jewish Film.  It includes a performance by Rabbi Haim Louk.   Here is the 
contact info about this film.

The National Center for Jewish Film
Brandeis Univ. - Lown 102
Waltham, MA 02254
phone: 617-899-7044
fax: 617-736-2070
email: ncjf (at) logos(dot)cc(dot)brandeis(dot)edu


Embroidered Canticles 

     France, 1991, 26 minutes, color (16mm/video) 

     French, Arabic and Hebrew with English subtitles 

     Director: Izza Genini

The matrux is a unique form of Moroccan-Jewish music which fuses Hebrew and 
Arabic texts. The music and the texts are derived from Andalusian traditions of 
music and poetry, reflecting the centuries-old link between Jewish and Muslim 
societies. While the singer might address secular topics in Arabic, Hebrew is 
for sacred matters. This unique film features a live performance with Rabbi 
Haim Louk and Abdelsadek Chekara and interviews with performers and scholars.

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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