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Eastern European Jewish Dance

I am very interested in learning about Eastern European Jewish Dance.  My 
resources so far are Nathan Vizonsky's book and an old 1937 Polish version 
of the Dybbuk.  Since it may be a long time before I can attend a workshop, 
I wonder if there are any other resources available.  Would someone in the 
group have their own written dance descriptions or even a home made video?
I have a background in international and Israeli folk dance.  I was also 
wondering if there are "generic" sort of basic dance steps that go with 
particular dance rhythms.  Eg., what is the bulgar step supposed to look 
like or khusid or terkesh (not sure of spelling)?

Would anyone care to comment on the following version of the Fraelach which 
I have adapted from Nathan Vizonsky's book:
Formation:  Circle, facing centre
Women--holding skirts, men pretending to hold coattails
Figure 1.
Step on right, point left towards centre and reverse
Turn 360 degrees to right with 4 steps

Figure 2.
Take 4 steps towards centre and then 4 steps out

Figure 3, facing counterclockwise
Step to right, close left to it without putting weight on the left foot and 
run along the line of the circle for 4 steps
repeat 3 more times.

repeat entire dance until end of music.

Are there other steps and variations? I've read that sometimes people will 
go into the middle of the circle to show off fancy footwork--what do they 

Any comments, feedback would be appreciated.
Helen Winkler
Calgary, Alberta, Canada

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