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Turkish language spams -- is anyone else on this list getting them?

I realize that this query would be off-topic, except for the possibility
that someone is misusing the E-mail addresses of subscribers to this list
as a "spamming list" for Turkish-language spams. I have received several
of these things, one (on April 13) labeled "18 Nisan secimleri." I do not
read Turkish, and therefore could not determine the purpose of that spam. 
Some previous Turkish-language spams (in 1998) appear to have been long
politico-religious diatribes, to judge from the words that I did
recognize. It is the nature of those spams, and the appearance of the date
in the month Nisan, which make me wonder whether the sender(s) had mined
the subscriber addresses of the Jewish Music mailing list. 

Hope Ehn               <ehn (at) world(dot)std(dot)com>

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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