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FW: Another song

Does anyone here know the words to this song?


From:  gunclers (at) worldnet(dot)att(dot)net[SMTP:gunclers (at) 
Sent:  Saturday, April 03, 1999 10:11 PM
To:  2G-Legacy Mailing
Subject:  Another song

Thanks for the words to Zog Nit Keynmol.
I've been looking for another song, "Szol a Kakas Mar," which I just
learned was written by Rebbe Yitzchak Taub and is sometimes referred to as
a song of the Holocaust, thanks to its theme of the Messiah's imminent
coming. I haven't been able to track down the words online, so if anyone
knows of a site I don't...

A dank--
Sam Guncler                  Ron                      Alison Loeb
             gunclers (at) juno(dot)com (NO attached files)
         gunclers (at) worldnet(dot)att(dot)net (for attached files)

----------------------- 2g-legacy (at) shamash(dot)org ----------------------+

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