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rave Old World & Paris to Kyiv on Broadway!

>Date: Thu, 22 Apr 1999 21:57:39 EDT
>Reply-To: Meyshke (at) aol(dot)com
>Dear Friends, 
>Yup, we're on Broadway!!!    On May Day!!!
>Just a reminder about our upcoming World Music Institute joint concert....
>featuring the New Jewish Music quartet  
>and the innovative Ukrainian-Canadian ensemble  
>with Alexis Kochan and Julian Kytasty
>in an exploration of new and traditional Jewish & Ukrainian music.  
>Saturday, May 1, 8:30 PM
>Symphony Space
>Broadway at 95th Street
>New York
>Box Office: 212 / 864-5400
>Information / charges  212 / 545-7536
>Presented by the World Music Institute
>"Night Songs from a Neighboring Village" is a concert program that brings 
>together two musical traditions - East European Jewish and Ukrainian - that 
>for centuries have existed side by side and influenced each other, reflecting 
>the complex relationship between the two peoples that have nurtured them.
>Like the tango nuevo of Astor Piazzola and the modernist works of Bartok and 
>Stravinsky, BRAVE OLD WORLD and PARIS TO KYIV continue to develop their 
>respective musics with new compositions and arrangements that  bespeak both 
>innovation and tradition.  We draw sustenance from the rich legacy of  
>Ukrainian folk and liturgical song, the virtuosic art of the bandura 
>(Ukrainian zither), and three closely related Jewish musical genres that 
>reached their greatest European flowering on the soil of Ukraine: Klezmer 
>music, Yiddish folk song, and the music of Hasidim.  Along with the Jewish 
>cantorial tradition, these three great musical streams of the Yiddish world 
>have nourished each other while interacting closely with the diverse musical 
>styles of non-Jewish neighbors.  
>"Night Songs from a Neighboring Village" reflects our work as 
>musicians/composers from the Jewish and Ukrainian communities in North 
>America, accomplished performers for whom the affirmation and development of 
>our musical heritages is a life's work. Our collaboration in this concert 
>spans international borders.  It links not only Jews and Ukrainians, but 
>Americans and Canadians as well, whose families arrived on these shores in 
>the same great waves of immigration that brought so many East Europeans to 
>North America. Devoted to our own musical , in recent years we have been 
>inspired to explore the common threads that connect us as well as the 
>differences that have divided us. 
>All the best, and hope to see you there!    
>Michael Alpert
>PS:  Tell your friends!   Tell your friends' friends!  Tell your ma, tell 
>your pa....!

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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