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re: Debbie Friedman article

We have had a discussion on this list in the past about getting people to 
sing.  That's what Debbie does.  Young and old alike respond.

As an educator, if you want to get the kids involved in music, give them a 
Friedman song.  Having taught in both Reform and Conservative schools, I can 
tell you that there is no boundary when it comes to the kids' familiarity 
with her music.  They love it!!  

As a leader of a Shabbat minyan, I see the adults, many of them "older" 
adults, singing her music with gusto.  They also feel it's pull.

I am not suggesting that we sacrifice or replace the traditional nusach.  We 
use it both!  We can teach both, but it is good to have accessible, singable 
music that helps people connect with the liturgy.  

I'm delighted that Debbie is getting this recognition.  She richly deserves 

Alice Weinstein

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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