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Purim Talking Blues

Dear friends:

Perhaps this is too late for most of you this year, but I offer this that I wrote a few years ago and just found.

(c) Leonard Koenick

Well let me tell you a story, that?s what I?m going to do;
About Haman and Esther and Vashti, too;
About Achashveros the King and his princes all
And don?t forget Memucan, the smartest one of all.

Well the King was in his counting house, counting all his honeys
While the Queen was in the parlor making taiglach with honey.
How do you like that; I started out in the first chapter of Megilat Esther and before you knew it I was into the first book of Nursery Rhymes.

Well Achashveros had been drinking that wine
When for his Queen Vashti he began to pine
Said he, I?m the Lord and Master of this house
So what does it matter if I?m a little soused.

So he sent for Vashti, her beauty to be shown
But Vashti, she had a mind of her own
For although the Megilah says she was giving a banquet for the women
Actually she was doing things like learning to read, plotting revolution
Raising her consciousness so she could lower the boom

When word got back to our good King
Oy Ves Mir he began to sing
What does this mean, where will it end
Why next my own socks I may have to mend

Then up spoke Memucan and he spoke it true
He saw the light in a broader ?pun intended ? view
Why if the word gets out of what Vashti has done
Women will then arise as one and instead of sewing clothes
They?ll be sewing seeds of dissension ? no more honor and obey

Or, to put it in a more recent version

(Tune: How you gonna keep em down on the farm after they?ve seen Paris}

How you gonna keep them down on their knees
After they?ve heard Vashti

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  • Purim Talking Blues, Leonard Koenick

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