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VERY New Recording

New Recording!!                "Kumi Ori" by Nomi               New Recording!!

I just received a new recording that I think could be the beginning of a
wonderful musical career for a new young singer, Nomi Tepler.
Nomi has a very pleasant voice, and the arrangements are something else!
All the lyrics are taken from familiar prayers,etc: Modeh Ani, Eshet Chayil,
Essa Enai, El Adon, Venatati Shalom, Baruch Boneh Yerushalayim, (the title
tune) Kumi Ori, Adon Olam, Zacharti Lach, Anu Amecha .

The melodies, however, are from another world. Each different from the other .
Just when you think you've got the style down, Nomi, who composed most of the
songs, makes "a U turn", taking the listener in a totally unexpected

Example: The opening song "Modeh Ani", kicks off, and I mean KICKS, with a
baseline that reminds me of " Higher & Higher"  by Jackie Wilson,(that alone
won me over),  then the rhythm section comes in,  a cross between "Born to Be
Wild" by Three Dog Night,"Rolling Down The River" by both 'Creedence' & 'Ike &
Tina Turner'. Thou the arrangement is "driving rock & roll" the voice the
voice remains very pleasant. Though this song is definitely old time rock &
roll, Nomi doesn't sing R & R, rather,the orchestral arrangement plays around
her vocals. 

So  you think this is going to be another new "Jewish Rock" recording??? Wrong

"Eshet Chayil" and , "Kumi Ori" from "Isaiah , on the other hand , are
beautiful and moving songs, composed by Nomi. Her phrasing on every song is as
good as it gets, and even if you don't understand the Hebrew, which I don't,
you get her meaning.

While "Essa Enai", has a soft "folk Rock" and funky flavor, "El Adon" is once
again a beautiful and very moving song. Accompanied ,at first, primarily by
snare drums, the song builds to a stirring crescendo. As I read the
accompanying lyrics in English (and Hebrew) the effect was definitely

"Bauch Boneh Yerushalayim" turns the table once again. Nomi's voice is just as
smooth and pleasant as on  her most stirring ballads; the arrangement starts
off with a folky, R & B rhythm  and ends up with a rousing, down home gospel
style chorus-move over Clara Ward Singers!  

I'm not even going to TRY and describe Nomi's interpretation of "Adon Olam",
but it's a fun tune.
Credit must also be given to the musical arrange, Moshe Wohl,this guy knows
how to deliver a full sound without all the clutter that is so prominent in
todays music.

Most of you on the  list know that when it come to "New Jewish Music" my mind
is as open as a vice, this CD could be the one to change that. This deserves a

Hatikvah Music
436 N. Fairfax Ave. 
Los Angeles, Ca 90036

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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