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Re: tanz!

In a message dated 01/20/1999 8:48:02 PM Central Standard Time,
klezmer (at) yiddishmusic(dot)com writes:

<<  A quick question. Besides klezmer, what else do you play? In another
 >words, if
 > one wanted a party where 70% of the music would be klezmer and 30% would be
 > music that people could dance to, could your band do it?
 Stephen!  Klezmer IZ tanz muzic!  Ir veyst dos, avade! (Klezmer IS dance
 music.  You know this, of course!)

it's a terrific problem that the dances from the E. European Jewish community
are unknown to American audiences.  That is why some yidn are out there
teaching them (e.g., Michael Alpert).  We always lead 3-4 easy Eastern
European Jewish or Israeli dances at the simchas at which we play, but of
course it's a pity that people don't jump up when they hear a krakoviak, a
chosidl, a kolomeike etc. and get down.  In another life, maybe.

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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