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Moiseyev Dance Co.

We just returned from a performance of the Moiseyev Dance Co. at Baltimore's
Meyerhoff Symphony Hall.
I believe most of the music was pre-recorded.
In spite of  having three ACCORDIAN players (just joking), it was an amazing
show.  The audience was moved by every dance. The "Partisans" , their
signature piece, ended the 1st act.
In the program notes, "The Jewish Wedding Dance", which started the second
act and received the most single piece applause, is listed as a RECENT
addition.    (Does this inclusion signal that Jews can feel safer and more
accepted in Russia?)
 The "Egyptian Dance", their version of belly dancing, was sensuous.  "Two
Boys Wrestling"  had everyone laughing!
"Gopak" was the last number   and the elderly Russian immigrant seated next
to us said it was the best performance of that dance he had seen, The two
acts, which were approximately 50 minutes each,   flew by.  There were
numerous "curtain calls" for Moiseyev, who is now in his 90's, and the
entire cast.

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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