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Shalom Yoel,

    Yasher Koackh, I just began looking at your new note-book, and I am
looking forward to the next books. To me it is the best one available in
the market, especially because it is very exact, and every Kneitsh or
Krakhtz is in its place. I am not only looking at your book, but I am
studying it, and I advice to my students and urge them to do the same. I
myself like to play by heart, not through the notes, but I was convinced
that it is not so bad to play with notes from time to time.

Thanks again,

On the first occasion I'll send you the cassette I made as a gift to my
son's wedding.

Moshe (Moussa) Berlin

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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