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Catskill's Culture Radio show on Jan 22(forward from another list)

Subj:  Catskills veterans on WNYC radio
Date: 1/16/99 18:49:35 PM Eastern Standard Time
From: Phil_Brown (at) brown(dot)edu (Phil Brown)

Hello Catskills friends:
Here is a treat-- On Friday Jan. 22, Phil Brown will be discussing his
new book Catskill Culture:  A Mountain Rat's Memories of the
reat Jewish Resort Area on WNYC-FM in New York, from
12-12:30 on Leonard Lopate's show, "New York, Incorporated."  He will be
joined by Tania Grossinger, author of Growing up at
Grossingers and Henry Foner, long-time bandleader,
songwriter,  and social staffer in the Catskills, including many years at
the Arrowhead Lodge.

Please tune in and tell your friends.
Phil Brown    phone 401-863-2633
Professor of Sociology  secretary 863-2367
Brown University   fax    863-3213
Box 1916  Providence RI 02912

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