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[Fwd: Re: Question: Modzitz cd]

robert wiener wrote:
> Simon and others,
> What do you think of David Werdyger's recordings of Boyaner, Gerer,
> Satmerer, and Skulaner Nigunim?  Are there more?  Are they still
> available?  (My copies are on Aderet cassettes.)
> Bob

Hi Bob:

I have vinyl LPs of the following:
Chabad Nigunim (Vols. 2, 4, 6, 7)  (Nichoach label)
Melodies from Wizniz (Hed-Arzi label)
Chassidim B'rinah  (Leib Glantz) (Hebraica Records)
Pirchei Sings (Choir of Pirchei Agudath Israel) (Tikva Records)
Chassidic Melodies by the Rabbis of Modzitz (Ben Zion Shenker) (Neginah 

Except for the last one, they are NOT, I'm afraid, in very good
Let me know off-line if there is anything you don't have.

Wolf Krakowski

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