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Song by A. Bossov to "O Bla Di, O Bla Da"

I has a request for additional fun songs to share with kids.  Rabbi Andrew
Bossov taught these to the children at Baltimore Hebrew when he was still in

To "O Bla Di, O Bla Da" by the Beatles  

When God spoke to Moses at the burning bush, 
God commanded him what he must do.
Don't wait around for Me to make the world all right,
Get started now because it all depends on you!

Go ahead do your best, show the world how!
Everything depends on you.
I'll be there to give strength and support now,
As you make your dreams come true.

It's not always easy to be confident.
Often we feel purposeless and small.
But then when we remember
that God hears our prayers,
We find our strength and know that 
we can do it all. That's right!

So stand up, show you care, give your whole heart.
You can do it if you try.
Find a way, do mitzvot, don't delay, start!
Each of us can reach the sky.
Be alert, and be fair, be a good Jew.
Everything depends on you!

Well, you can pray for God's help,
But it all depends on you!

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