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Re: Sephardic Soul Of Spain

> SEPHARDIC SOUL OF SPAIN- Los Angeles, Ca 12-29-98
>Last night, in a tribute to Victo Perera, author of "The Cross and the Pear
> A Sephardic Journey", IVRI-NASAWI sponsored a concert featuring Judy Frankel
>and Adam and Lalila Del Monte.
>Judy, who has 4 recordings of Ladino music available, gave a very good
>performance in spite of having laryngitis. Her performance included;
>Gerineldo, Una Matica de Ruda, Eits Harimon (a Persian song in Hebrew), La
>Co,ida La Manana. and many more.
>The surprise "hit" of the Show, whowever, was Adam and Laila Del Monte with
>Gypsy singer Jesus Montoya. They gave a magic Flamenco performance that
>brought the house to it's feet many times. Never saw feet move this fast
>Judy Frankel's ensemble included John Bilezikjian, master oudist.

Maybe this signals a new crossover--there was a klezmer/flamenco
evening in NYC last year. Sephardic/flamenco sounds much likelier,
and great flamenco, well, you said it.

Victor Perera has done some wonderful writing--I had heard he was sick.
Has he passed away, or is he still with us to write some more?


Ari Davidow
The klezmer shack:
owner: jewish-music mailing list
e-mail: ari (at) ivritype(dot)com

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