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Sephardic Soul Of Spain

 SEPHARDIC SOUL OF SPAIN- Los Angeles, Ca 12-29-98

Last night, in a tribute to Victo Perera, author of "The Cross and the Pear
 A Sephardic Journey", IVRI-NASAWI sponsored a concert featuring Judy Frankel
and Adam and Lalila Del Monte.
Judy, who has 4 recordings of Ladino music available, gave a very good
performance in spite of having laryngitis. Her performance included;
Gerineldo, Una Matica de Ruda, Eits Harimon (a Persian song in Hebrew), La
Co,ida La Manana. and many more.
The surprise "hit" of the Show, whowever, was Adam and Laila Del Monte with
Gypsy singer Jesus Montoya. They gave a magic Flamenco performance that
brought the house to it's feet many times. Never saw feet move this fast
Judy Frankel's ensemble included John Bilezikjian, master oudist.

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