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From: David Weiss <dweiss (at) gswconsultants(dot)com>
To: National Havurah Committee Mailing List <mail-havurah (at) shamash(dot)org>
Subject: [MAIL-HAVURAH:1620] Jewish musicians needed for Feb 14 in New York
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Date: Fri, 25 Dec 1998 10:51:35 EST

Re: Jewish musicians needed for Family Party on Feb 14 in New York--

I am arranging an 80th birthday party for my father in Riverdale, New York.
There will be about 70 family members present on Feb 14 from 1-5 pm. The
event will be somewhat low key with family presentations, poems, skits etc.
Does anyone know a Jewish music group that would be able to play clarinet
and accordian (but not deafening) Israeli and Clezmer music for the party?
Please let me know if you have any ideas.


David Weiss

Dr. David S. Weiss
Geller, Shedletsky & Weiss
39 Pleasant Blvd., Suite 300, Toronto, Ontario M4T 1K2 Canada
Tel: (416) 923-5555 Ext 444; Fax: (416) 923-6175
E-mail: dweiss (at) gswconsultants(dot)com

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