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L'Chaim review

I thought that the list might be interested in the following album
(I was alerted to its existence by Al Raphelson)
and the comments of an reviewer.

L'Chaim-Music of the Jewish People
Various Artists - International - Jewish Traditional

1. Ich Bin A Boarder By Mein Weib (I Am A Boarder Of My Wife)
2. Bei Mir Bist Du Schon (Means That You're Grand)
3. Freilicher Yontov (Happy Holiday)
4. Reizele (Jewish Folk Song)
5. Reb Schmuel's Nigun (Oy, Chaunukah! Oy, Chanukah!)
6. Sha, Shtil (Jewish Folk Song)
7. Joe & Paul
8. Joseph! Joseph!
9. Eili, Eili
10. Die Chassene (The Wedding): I. Machatonim (The Relatives Assemble)
 11. Die Chassene (The Wedding): II. Badchon (At The Bridal Canopy)
12. Prokofiev's Overture On Hebrew Themes (Sextette, Op. 34)
13. Story Of A Bar Mitzvah Boy
14. Der Shtiller Bulgar (Original Version Of 'And The Angels Sing')
15. Rozhinkes Mit Mandlen (Raisins & Almonds)
16. Festival Song/Spring Song
17. Kol Nidrei
18. Chassidic Dance
19. Die Veldt Is A Teater
20. Israel (Based On 'Chussen Kaleh Mazel Tov')
A music fan from california , August 23, 1998
i bought this cd because it was supposed to be jewish music artists to
be jolson, crosby et al. i assumed there would be some songs in
english. there is one by jolson. the rest are in hebrew. the patter by
sam levinson is not music and dated. the dialogue by molly picon is
needless. altogether disappointing

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