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Re: Romanian lautari videotape


     I just finished viewing the tape that you so  promptly sent to me.  It
was very good and I thought it must have been a wonderful trip for you.  I
liked the way that you  structured it by starting with the country groups
and working thru the wedding and then the more  professional groups in the
cafes.  Ii ESPECIALLY enjpoyed the cimbalom solos  by Raducanu,
Feraru-Serban, Alecu and Feraru.  I immediarely had to listen to those parts
two more times.  The "Lark" variations on the nai were a neat "dessert" .  I
did not recognize the Klezmer standard but I will go back again jus to
listen for it.

      I suppose my only disappointment was that there waas not more of your
own imoressions, comments and interpretaions on the tape or in a transcript
which I cannot bgelieve that you havent alreadt written.  If I am rwill you
send me a copy.  And if I am wrong, GET BUSY!!

      Thanks again, Paul  And I haope the New Year is very good to you!

      Al Raphelson

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