Mail Archive sponsored by Chazzanut Online


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A new mailing list for children of Holocaust survivors

This is an announcement of a new mailing list.  If you are not 
personally interested, then please send this notice to your friends 
or relatives who are children of Jewish Holocaust survivors. If you 
have a web site, then please create a link to the list's web page at    

Thank you very much. 

Reyzl Kalifowicz-Waletzky
2G-Legacy list-owner 


The 2G-Legacy mailing list is a new list for children and 
grandchildren of Jewish Holocaust Survivors, dedicated to the 
discussion of, and hopefully action on, social, political, and 
historical issues related to the Holocaust.  Rather than a list 
for the exploration of psychological and parental relationship 
issues, this is a list for those who want to focus on 
understanding and furthering the legacy of the Holocaust.  The 
goals of the list are: (1) greater awareness among, and education 
of, second and third generation children of Holocaust survivors 
so that we may learn to (2) implement effective memory, action, 
and justice for Holocaust victims and the perpetuation and 
revival of the Jewish (particularly Yiddish) culture that the 
Nazis tried to destroy.  This list will be a place for informed 
discussion on all issues important to 2G's, especially political, 
historical, and financial Holocaust issues. 

The 2G-Legacy (a.k.a. 2g-legacy) mailing list is at this time an 
unmoderated, access-limited discussion list, limited to children 
(and grandchildren) of _Jewish_ Holocaust survivors.  Subscription 
requests are not automatic for this list and require the approval 
of the moderator/list-owner.   Although it, of course, takes time 
for people to feel comfortable in expressing themselves freely, 
lurking on this list will be _highly_ discouraged and may, after 
some time, even result in becoming unsubscribed.  Although members 
will seek a warm, supportive environment, this list is not, in 
essence, a support or online therapy group for 2Gs.  There is a 
strong need for 2Gs, and perhaps many 3Gs, to process the larger 
Holocaust issues beyond parental problems.  One important question 
now is what do we now do with what we have witnessed and learned 
from our parents and history?

Because I will be away from my home computer December 23-29, 1998 
and have no idea what computer access will be available to me 
during this period, the list will officially open on January 3, 
1999.  I hope that as many subscriptions as possible will get
processed by 1/3/99, so that everyone can start up on the list 
together.   The complete subscription form (a questionnaire) is 
available on the 2G-Legacy's web page at  If you would 
like to subscribe, then please fill out this form as soon as 
possible.  The questionnaire form will also be sent to you once 
you subscribe to Shamash's listproc (follow the subscription 
instructions below).

Reyzl Kalifowicz-Waletzky
2g-legacy list-owner/moderator





        subscribe 2G-Legacy your-first-name your-last-name 

to:     listproc (at) shamash(dot)org(dot)

NOTE: You must subscribe with your real name. No aliases are allowed. 
All e-mail addresses will be verified.

Your messages must come from the same address from which you subscribed. 


        2g-legacy (at) shamash(dot)org

2G-Legacy mail will arrive once your subscription has been 
completed and approved.  To post a message on the list, you must 
send your posts from the address with which you subscribed to the 
list.  As with all other Shamash mailing lists, list messages do 
not appear with the LISTNAME in the FROM dialogue box of your mail 
program's INBOX, but rather with the name of the individual poster 
who sent that particular message.  The 2G-Legacy list name appears 
only once you open up a message.  Responses to individual 2G-Legacy 
messages should be sent to the list address and not to the 
individual poster, so that your message can be distributed to all 
list subscribers.  With many mailing programs, the best way of 
responding to a particular message you have received from 2G-Legacy 
is to click on the "Return to all" button and then erase the address 
of the particular poster in the TO dialogue box of your outgoing 
mail.  This will avoid the original poster receiving two copies of 
the same response - one automatically from the list and one 
addressed directly to him/her.   If you press the "Return to sender" 
button, only the original poster will see your message, but it would 
not be able to be distributed to any of the other list subscribers.

The list-owner and moderator of 2G-Legacy is Reyzl Kalifowicz-Waletzky. 
If you have any problem or question, e-mail her at:

        reyzl (at) flash(dot)net

To get more information on how to use this service, please send a one 
word message - the word HELP, to: 

        listproc (at) shamash(dot)org

This list is a part of Shamash: The Jewish Internet Consortium.  
For more information about Shamash lists send a message to 
listproc (at) shamash(dot)org with one word in it, LISTS.  Shamash is also 
reachable via World Wide Web at

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