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[Fwd: Folksbiene opening]

robert wiener wrote:
> Looking forward to a report from the lucky ones who were at last
> night's Folksbiene opening.
> Bob

I was there, and, while I do not feel qualified to write an actual
review on the fly, I did feel my time was well-spent and that I was
enriched by the experience. I  reccomend it wholeheartedly. 

Writer/director Eleanor Reissa has mined her experiences as a (Jewish)
daughter of  Holocaust Survivors to craft  a deeply personal and
courageous play that centers on Reissa's  relationship with her mother
and it's complicated and often challenging emotional legacy.

Yiddish theatre legend, Mina Bern   as  Esther, the  mother, is
I urge you to see her.  
My companion and I, both sons of Survivors,  couldn't help but wonder
how Reissa came to know our own mothers  so well;  it is simply uncanny. 

Kudos go out to the entire company, among them Ibi Kaufman as Debbie and
to I.W. Firestone and Keith Howard, both in multiple roles; as well as
to musicians Jeff Warschauer, Deborah Strauss and Will Holshauser, who
perform the music of  Zalmen Mlotek and Frank London. 

<Mazl tov> to all the cast, crew and the Folksbiene staff  for,
literally, pulling this one out of the fire.

(Simultaneous earphone/headset  translation is  available for the
Yiddish impaired).

Wolf Krakowski

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