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Maccabean Battle-Song To "The Song of the Temperance Union"

>From Miriam Winder-Kelly
I purchased a Jewish Publication Society book "Hanukkah, The Feast of Lights"
by Emily  Solis-Cohen  1945.
It holds plays, poems such as Emma Lazarus' The Feast of Lights, songs, etc.
One of the  oddities was how the 
MACCABEAN BATTLE-SONG  by Solomon Solis Cohen, 1929  fit with the 
"Song of the Temperance Union" tune with only a little shoehorning.  

To battle! To battle! Though few be our band,
While the hosts of the tyrant are countless as sand,
Fear not! For they trust
In the right arm of dust,
In shields that may shiver, in swords that may rust;
But our arm of defense
Is the arm of the Lord.
His Law is our shield, and His wrath is our sword; The heroes that lead us are
priests of His shrine,
And his glorious Name is our banner divine!

To battle! To battle!  Ye proud heathen horde,
Among all the elim who is like to the Lord?
A stone, from the sod
Ye dig out: "tis a god"!
Quake, earth, tremble heaven, before his dread nod!"
Aye quake earth & skies;
All ye peoples, be still:
Hark! the loud-rolling thunder! It voices His will
Who fashioned the storm cloud- who speaks not in vain,
And the Hammer of God rives Olympus in twain!

To battle! To battle! The cornets ring loud,
Speaking hope to the weak, speaking death to the proud.
Lo! Jerrubbaal's sword
Unto Judah restored,
Flashes bright at our head as the flame of the Lord!
And woe to the foe
Whom its keen edge shall smite,
No safety remaineth for Javan, but fight;
No helpfrom blind metal, no help from deaf stone --
The Lord God of Hosts reigns Eternal, Alone!

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