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Chamber Music Series @ Holocaust Memorial Museum in D.C.

Post by Miriam Winder-Kelly
We received the program of the Sunday 3PM Chamber Music series at the
Holocaust Museum in D.C.   Steven Honigberg is the Director.  I hope to get to
some of these.

January 10, 1999
Boris Blacher - Piano Trio (1970);  Michaeol Karmon - I Never Saw Another
Butterfly (1975);  Felix Mendelssohn Fantasy in F Sharp Minor (1833);  Jeffrey
Schanzer - A Mother's Story (1995);  Eric Zeisl - Sonata Brandeis for Violin &
Piano (1950)
Feb. 28, 1999    Concert Artists of Baltimore  performing
Moris Moshe-Cotel  -  Aug.12,1952: The Night of the Murdered Poets (1978)  and
My Shalom, My peace for Treble Choir, Harp & Percussion (1980);  Maurice Ravel
-  Deux melodies hebraiques (1914); Darius Milhaud - Cantata from Proverbs for
Women's Choir (1953);  Aaron Copland - Piano Variations (1930)
April 18, 1999
Robert Stern - Hazkarah ( In Memoriam) for Cello & Piano (1998);
Dmitri Shostakovich - Sonata for Cello & Piano (1934);  Igor Stravinsky -
Three Pieces for String Quartet ( 1914);  Darius Milhaud - String Quartet No.
9, Op. 140 (1935)
June 6, 1999
Agi Jambot - Piano Sonata - To the Victims of Auschwitz (1996);  Olivier
Messaien - Preludes (1928 - 1929);  Ernst Toch - Capriccette for Solo Piano,
op. 36 (1932)  and   Concerto for Cello & Chamber Orchestra Op. 35 (1924-1925)
For additional info call the Museum at 202-488-0427.

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