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Spielberg's Betrayal-There's still hope

The ad agency that is handling this movie is GSD & M, 828 W. 6th St., Austin,
Texas 78703.  Their phone number is 512-427-4736.  I'm sure they would love to
hear from you.  The account executive handling this is Andrie Cantu.  The e-
mail address is:  Andrie_Cantu (at) GSDM(dot)com(dot)
The headline of the article published in the Aug. 11. 1998 issue of the Austin
American-Statesman tell it all.  GSD&M in 2-firm fight for Dreamworks,: Austin
ad agency will try our for lucrative media buying account.  The Prince of
Egypt ad campaign is their audition for the Dreamworks account.  They are
competing against another ad agency which is handling the campaign for another
Dreamworks film, to be released in the future.  If you wish to read the
article, it can be accessed at
I asked it to search for GSD&M.
I think the CD's may have been their idea.  More than likely there are no
MOT's working on this and the last thing they would have thought about is how
to include us.  My guess is they would appreciate hearing from us-fast and
furiously.  Negative press wouldn't help them on this one.
Having read the article and seen the clips of the movie at CAJE in August, I,
too would love to see our composers included in this.  We have a lot of work
to do to get Jewish music out there.  Most people are ignorant of what we have
to offer.  Think about the hurdles we have already overcome.  We didn't reach
this point overnight.  But what is significant to me about all this is that in
order to bring the Jewish music we know, love, write, record, and perform more
public attention, if is critical for us to band together and collectively
there CAN be success.  I'm not sure exactly the mechanics of this effort but
why not use this incident of exclusion to figure out how to be included.
Keep those cards, letters, e-mail, and calls coming.  A swift effort on our
part may make a difference.
Patti Edelman Leonard
Austin, Texas

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