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Re[2]: Film, "The Governess"

BTW, the X-files had an episode about a golem that had "Chassidim" singing the 
modern oleinu with an Israeli pronunciation.  I'm sure that it didn't hurt the 
scene with most viewers, but to me it was so incongruous as to make the entire 
scene phony (as if you didn't already have to stretch your imagination to watch 
the X-FILES <smile>)

Rich Wolpoe

______________________________ Reply Separator _________________________________
Subject: RE: Film, "The Governess" 
Author:  <jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org> at Tcpgate
Date:    11/30/98 3:46 PM

Simon: with such a track record behind you, maybe next time you get asked 
you should recommend the choice you DON'T want them to choose, so when they 
don't listen to your recommendation and choose the other one that will be 
the one you actually WANT them to choose!


-----Original Message-----
From:        owner-jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org [mailto:owner-jewish-music 
(at) shamash(dot)o
On Behalf Of Klezcorner (at) aol(dot)com
Sent:        Monday, November 30, 1998 3:27 PM 
To:        World music from a Jewish slant. 
Subject:        Re: Film, "The Governess"

In a message dated 11/30/98 7:36:03 AM, you wrote:

<<(as in Shindler's List's
> use of modern Israeli music in the
> soundtrack, and by the family in the ghetto speaking Hebrew. 
> Spielberg may not yet have discovered that they are different 
> languages.>>

I have worked with many film companies when Jewish music is reauired. 
Speilber's company has contacted me in the past for music, including 
Schindler's list. When I saw the film, I was shocked that Jerusalem Of Gold 
was included. I spoke to someone at the company, and asked them why it had 
been used when it has nothing to do with the film. I was told that "Stoven 
loved the song, so they used it."They had been told by others beside myself 
the the song does not fit, and in the European and Israeli version of the 
, the song was replaced with the Israeli song Eli, Eli .

About a Year and a lalf ago I was asked to recommend an Israeli singer for a 
planned animated film i had suggested first Noa, and secondly Ofra Haza, 
though Noa was my first choice.  The film is "Moses, Prince of Egypt" and 
went with Ofra Haza.

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