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RE: Film, "The Governess"

>Needless to say, they called me the next day and wanted to exchange the
>recording, I told them "Tough Kneidlech" , they made the choice and they were
>stuck.  They now wanted to take whatever I suggested. I told them that they
>would now have to pay a consulation fee. They agreed-and I gave them recording
>that I first suggested.  I saw the film, not very good, but the music....such
>a pleasure!

So what film was it?  Waiting with baited breath to hear?


From:  Klezcorner (at) aol(dot)com[SMTP:Klezcorner (at) aol(dot)com]
Sent:  Monday, November 30, 1998 4:19 PM
To:  World music from a Jewish slant.
Subject:  RE: Film, "The Governess"

In a message dated 11/30/98 12:50:24 PM, you wrote:

<<Simon: with such a track record behind you, maybe next time you get asked

you should recommend the choice you DON'T want them to choose, so when they

don't listen to your recommendation and choose the other one that will be

the one you actually WANT them to choose!


That's not as funny as you might think. You should have been here when I had
to suppl;y Ray charles with My Yiddishe Mame about a year ago.

I once tried to talk a film company OUT of purchasing a particular recording
and suggested another one that was actually $3.00 less. They assumed that
since I was tring to recommend a cheaper recording that I must be stuck with
that one , so they took the more expensive one. I told them that was no what
they needed, but since that was their choice, they would be stuck with it if
they did not like it. I actually argued with them about it.

Needless to say, they called me the next day and wanted to exchange the
recording, I told them "Tough Kneidlech" , they made the choice and they were
stuck.  They now wanted to take whatever I suggested. I told them that they
would now have to pay a consulation fee. They agreed-and I gave them recording
that I first suggested.  I saw the film, not very good, but the music....such
a pleasure!

By the way, I think that the film company from The Governess had purchased
about 8 or 9 Ladino Cd's from me.

Jewish Music Store To The Stars????????

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