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Re: Albert Bouhadanna and Jewish Music from North Africa

Hi, there.

Could David and Simon respond with the details on these recordings, please?
Artists, songs, languages represented (any Ladino???) label and number,
country of release? That would be much appreciated.

Best, Joel

At 06:56 PM 11/21/98 EST, you wrote:
>In a message dated 11/20/1998 12:43:48 PM Pacific Standard Time,
>ddalle (at) scohs(dot)on(dot)ca writes:
> Hello, I have a piece sung by Albert Bouhadanna, a Moroccan Jew,  on a
> compilation.  It is  a gorgeous song, and I was wondering if albums by
> Albert B. exist, and perhaps other music from Jewish communities in
> North Africa.
>  >>
>Albert Bouhadanna has 3 recordings, they are all imports, we have them all in
>2 are Piyyutim and one is Shabbat songs. There is a possibility that he has a
>High Holidays recording as well. I have asked my sources to see if that is
>and if it is, I shall have it in stock by Wednesday-it's comimgfrom Europe.
>Hatikvah Music

Joel Bresler
250 E. Emerson Rd.
Lexington, MA 02420 USA

Home:   781-862-2432
Home Office:    781-862-4104
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Email:          jbresler (at) ultra(dot)net

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