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Re: last child (question from my web page)

>I think it is a different one.  The song "di mezinke oysgegebn" deals
>specifically with the special joy around this event.  (A mezinke is a
>youngest daughter.)
>Maybe the person asking means this song.
>However, I don't think there is really a tradition of playing this song at
>Jewish weddings, is there?

You bet there is.  Maybe not in Europe 100 years ago, but
among the families that I've served over the past 15 years
here in Portland.  (Yes, they even know from mezinke-tants
in Portland!)  In fact, we played the mezinke last Sunday
night and got the parents up on chairs - thank G-d I had
a clarinet in my mouth and didn't have to lift.

Good Shabbos,


jackfalk (at) teleport(dot)com

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