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[JEWISH-MUSIC:5095] jewish morrocan

Please does anyone have a contact for Samy El Maghribi - a Jewish Moroccan
musician.             Possibly living in Canada, used to live in Israel,
performs in Morocco etc.

I've been asked for his contact by Brahim Benim, a Morrocan musician who I
play violin for sometimes, in Melbourne Australia.

I'd also be keen to receive any information about Moroccan Jewish music,
musicians, history, ethnomusicology, role of the violin etc.

Ernie Gruner 
2 Cole Crescent, East Coburg 3058, Victoria,  AUSTRALIA   (Melbourne)
E-mail: erniegru (at) mira(dot)net
INTERNATIONAL: Phone 61 3 9386 7108   or 61 3 9386 0947
                                Fax      61 3 9386 7108   Mobile  0418 549 631


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