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The InterGalactic Jewish Music Festival

Here's the latest and greatest schedule for this year's festival.

The Fourth Annual InterGalactic Jewish Music Festival
Saturday and Sunday -  December 12th and 13th, 1998 - Philadelphia,
      Pennsylvania, USA, Earth
FEATURING - More fun than a person should be allowed to have......

Saturday December 12 - Evening
Benny and The Vildachayas - Like Mickey Katz and His Kosher Jammers on acid
(American Jewish Press) Five out of Five Star Rating (New York Jewish Week)
Naftule's Dream -  A great band from Boston on John Zorn's Tzadik label. "a
so brilliantly different approach that I can only call it breathtaking"
(Folk Roots Magazine)

The Painted Bride Arts Center
230 Vine Street, Philadelphia
$15- available through The Bride and Upstages

Sunday December 13th - Afternoon

Ken Ulansey's Journey to Jewpiter - Ken is Philadelphia's star Klezmer
player. He recently was awarded a grant to pursue Jewish improvisational
KlezMs. - Several generations of Jewish women Klezmorim (Klemorot?)mixing
it up to create some sizzlin' hot music that is out of this world

InterGalactic Workshop Series - a bunch of workshops about Jewish Music and
other fun stuff
Using Jewish Sources for Teaching Music, Everyone can make Jewish Music -
Hands On - for Musicians and Non-Musicians, Jewish Improvisation, The
Philly Klezmer History, Women In Jewish Music, and more.

Germantown Jewish Center / $5 - at the door

Sunday December 13 - Evening

Brave Old World - International Klezmer SuperStars - Featuring musicians
who've made the Klezmer revival a thriving reality

International House Folklife Center
3701 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia
I think $20- Available through Upstages and The International House
Folklife Series

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