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Re: rotten

>Alana the Cheshire Cat asks what relevance does mention of Johnny
>Rotten's autobiography have re: Jews and punk music. 
>You have to read the book to find out.  
>True, there are no references in it to the Rambam, Tisha B'av, 
> <freylakhs> or foreskins.   However, I did not mention it just so that
>you could get your back up because my doing so challenged your
>subjective parameters of what is supposed to be a free discussion;  I
>mentioned it because one can learn from it.  
>Sorry to have cluttered up your otherwise tidy mental litterbox with
>something so disturbing as a book reccomendation.  

I'd like to think that there is a way to provide the information
requested without resorting to insult. When Alana asks questions,
at least on this list, she generally asks because she is curious,
not to challenge or belittle anyone's right to make whatever
statements seem appropriate.

It's exciting that this discussion is bringing up new participants,
new mentions of an area of Jewish-related music that is unfamiliar 
to many list participants, along with some passioned words about
what seems compelling  about that music. Your usual posts make me 
think that we share a common cause in our support for diversity of
ideas and expression. Please do not stifle that with rudeness or
an intolerance towards those who have questions or who see things
differently and want to understand what your eyes are seeing.


Ari Davidow
The klezmer shack:
owner: jewish-music mailing list
e-mail: ari (at) ivritype(dot)com

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