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jewish gangster and punk music

Bounced due to change of address--sorry for the delay.
Here is the original message from Sara(dot)Marcus (at) oberlin(dot)edu

While we're speaking of Jewish gangster music, there's a CD on the Tzadik
label called "Mouth = Mol = Betrayal."  It's tremendously avant-garde
stuff incorporating a secret language Jewish gangsters made up earlier
this century.  Pretty crazy stuff!

And speaking of Tzadik, Kletka Red's CD "Hijacking" on the Tzadik label is
my number 1 favorite CD right now.  It melds klezmer themes with manic
no-wave style and the occasional speed metal riff.  For those of you who
have heard the album "Mir Shlafn Nisht" by NYC no-wavers G-d is My
Co-Pilot (it's a Japanese import CD, on which G-dCo do punk rock take-offs
on everything from klezmer standards to the old Hebrew School David Melech
Yisrael), it's in a similar vein.  This is the music that makes the world
worth getting up to in the morning.

Does anyone have recommendations of similar music to make my life more
full?  Am I the only punker on this list?

Well, take care,

Sara Marcus
Sara(dot)Marcus (at) oberlin(dot)edu

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