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The Well by the Klezmatics & Chava Alberstein

Special on "the Well", the wonderful new album from The Klezmatics and
Chava Alberstein.  These are Yiddish poems  - by famous authors like
Manger, Margolin and Reisen and lesser known poets  - set to music by Chava
and arranged by various members of the Klezmatics.  English translations
and original Yiddish lyrics are included in the booklet.

$15 + $1.75 shipping for the CD
or $10 + $1.25 shipping for the cassette.
($3.00 will bring you  1-4 cassettes or CDs via Priority Mail)

These prices are good until November 15, 1998 (26 Khezhvn 5759)

(Mass. residents, please add 5% tax to pre-shipping amount [75 cents for
one CD, 50 cents for one cassette]).

To order, please send check to:
        a bisl yidishkayt
        P.O. Box 331
        Cambridge, MA  02140-0004

If you live in the Boston area, come see us Sunday, October 11th in Harvard
Square, Cambridge at Octoberfest (our booth will be on JFK Street - save
shipping costs!)

(e-mail questions to:  yiddishmusic (at) valise(dot)com or phone 781-643-1957.
Credit card coming soon?)

Other albums from these artists (present and past) include:

                Possessed               ($16, CD,  $10 cs.)
                Rhythm and Jews         ($16.50 CD, $10.50 cs.)
                Jews with Horns         ($16 CD, $10 cs.)
                Shvayn=Toyt             ($18 CD)

Chava Alberstein (her Yiddish songs):
                Chava zingt Yidish      ($18 CD, $11.50 cs.)
                Margaritkalach          ($18 CD, $11.50 cs.)

Alicia Svigals:
                Fidl                    ($16 CD)

Lauren Sklamberg et al:
                Di grine katshke (The Green Duck, Yiddish songs for
                                        (CD: $16)

Matt Darriau Paradox Trio:
                Flying at a Slant       ($16 CD)

Hasidic New Wave:
                Jews and the Abstract Truth     ($16 CD)
                Psycho Semetic          ($16 CD)

Frank London et al:
                The Shvitz (soundtrack to movie, $16 CD)

David Krakauer:
                Klezmer Madness         ($16)
                Due later this month: Klezmer, NY

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